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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:16 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Dialga-Brite wrote:Just because rainbows are used by gay people shouldn't mean that EVERYTHING with rainbows in it is gay. Rainbows are also used to mean joy, happiness, and kindness, and some people need to realize that and get their minds out of the gutters.

Also, rainbows are used by the gay rights organization. It's simply an organization advocating tolerance for gay people, it has NOTHING to do with porn.
As I said before, stereotyping creates that. Doesn't matter if you are or not. Rainbows in this society will first trigger the response of "that person's gay"

In the gay community, the rainbow has meaning too, different from above. If you google the meaning of the rainbow flag, you'll see. It's not just to make us bedecked in color.

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:15 am
by Dialga-Brite
In the gay community, the rainbow has meaning too, different from above. If you google the meaning of the rainbow flag, you'll see. It's not just to make us bedecked in color.
I know, so that means it has MULTIPLE meanings. People should just realize that words have multiple meanings, that's all. But even the gay meaning isn't necessarily bad, as like I said it's not porn, just gay pride.

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:23 am
by idistractedyou
The changes don't seem horrible. I actually always thought Twink was short for twinkle since he was white like a twinkling star. (Yes the adult connotation is a big part of it too I'm sure) The reasoning behind Tickled Pink's sprite being called Twilight is probably because her horse is Sunriser they will probably say she handles the colors at sunrise and sunset. I'm excited to see if Night Sprite will still have the crescent moon antanae.

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:59 am
by Patreek
In europe the rainbow flag means peace :-)

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:58 am
by Dialga-Brite
I'm excited to see if Night Sprite will still have the crescent moon antanae.
I sure hope so.... that was one of the really cool things about her! :)

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:51 pm
by Rainbow Brite
Dialga-Brite wrote:I know, so that means it has MULTIPLE meanings. People should just realize that words have multiple meanings, that's all. But even the gay meaning isn't necessarily bad, as like I said it's not porn, just gay pride.
Woah...nobody ever said that rainbows had anything to do with porn. The word twink DOES return a lot of porn if you Google it though. Of course rainbows have multiple meanings and are used as symbols for multiple groups.

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:54 pm
by Dialga-Brite
ok, I think I'm having a little bit of trouble keeping up with this conversation.... if I said anything that seemed not right or ignorant then that's why. :)

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:04 am
by IndigoJoy
You're right Chibi Rachy, it IS stereotyping. But there are prejudiced people out there like my sister, who told me I couldn't buy anything Rainbow Brite, or anything with rainbows, for my niece because rainbows are gay. I'm straight. I guess they're afraid if their daughter has anything Rainbow Brite she'll turn out gay. I didn't, Katy didn't... but my sister is crazy like that.

Patreek... why do you say that they're completely redesigning Moonglow? A horse and shortening Nite Sprite's name to Nite doesn't sound like a terrible redesign... just a minor addition and modification. Unless you have heard news I haven't??

Changing OJ to Mango in 2004, for example, wasn't something I agreed with but it wasn't a big deal, I don't think. I just ignored the change and would still call him OJ. I will probably always refer to Twink as Twink, and Nite Sprite as Nite Sprite. Sometimes they do modifications to remain "politically correct" or to prevent a parental backlash, especially with those parents who aren't familiar with the 1980s RB.

The kind of changes I don't like are pointless, for example, to Strawberry Shortcake's Angel Cake character in the 2003 line. They got rid of Souffle Skunk who was soooo cute, and replaced him with Vanilla Icing lamb. Souffle wasn't offensive at all... they just thought Vanilla Icing would be cuter and sell better. (There is a skunk somewhere in the line called Sourball, proving that they probably could have left Souffle alone.) They made tons of other pointless changes too, like making Pupcake belong to SSC along with Custard. And renaming Lime Chiffon to Lime Light. Are today's parents so stupid they don't know what a Chiffon dessert is and can't teach their kids? I think not! Plenty more here: ... Criticisms

(P.S. There's going to be a fall 2009 relaunch of SSC too.)

And don't get me started on the toddlerized Care Bears or cutting the MLPs down to a "core 7" or however many ponies and simply rereleasing them over and over in different poses, outfits, and playsets.

All that said, I can't wait to see the new RB dolls!! I want more pics! Come on Playmates!

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:50 pm
by Rainbow Brite
IndigoJoy wrote:You're right Chibi Rachy, it IS stereotyping. But there are prejudiced people out there like my sister, who told me I couldn't buy anything Rainbow Brite, or anything with rainbows, for my niece because rainbows are gay. I'm straight. I guess they're afraid if their daughter has anything Rainbow Brite she'll turn out gay. I didn't, Katy didn't... but my sister is crazy like that.
That is so sad. That's like saying a German child is going to turn into an American if you give it a red, white and blue blanket. Just silly.
The kind of changes I don't like are pointless, for example <snip>
Yeah, pointless changes would make me mad too. I'm fine with adding new characters, but it should never be at the expense of removing old characters IMO.
(P.S. There's going to be a fall 2009 relaunch of SSC too.)
Oh wow, I didn't realize that! I thought they were still making the ones from a few years ago.
All that said, I can't wait to see the new RB dolls!! I want more pics! Come on Playmates!
Me too! :)

Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:54 pm
by Chibi Rachy
IndigoJoy wrote:You're right Chibi Rachy, it IS stereotyping. But there are prejudiced people out there like my sister, who told me I couldn't buy anything Rainbow Brite, or anything with rainbows, for my niece because rainbows are gay. I'm straight. I guess they're afraid if their daughter has anything Rainbow Brite she'll turn out gay. I didn't, Katy didn't... but my sister is crazy like that.
Yup, stereotyping plays the trickster in society. It gives way to labels that really don't fit the majority at all. It goes from the stereotyping of high school cliques to stuff like women, gender, rednecks, and GLBT people.

A person's outer look doesn't make them whatever a stereotype says or even what they do or should do. A good example would be of one of my students. He'd gotten through most of the thinner books in class and was looking for something bigger in the classroom library. He ended up picking up Little House on the Prairie and has been reading it in his free time. Some teachers may tell him he shouldn't read it, that it's a girl's book, but I simply told him I was happy to see that he was challenging himself with thicker books.