Any news from Playmates?

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Any news from Playmates?

Post by Patreek »

Maybe we should have one of the big toy sites on the net ask about it in the next mattycollector question and answer?

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Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
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Any news from Playmates?

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

Let's see...

Hallmark is celebrating 100 years of its existence this year.

United Media has been around for over 50 or over 60 years depending on what website you look at.

Playmates has been around for almost 45 years now.


Nearly 200 years of combined experience and they blew it. Too funny.

It makes you wonder, but there have been other corporate failures with products or marketing over the years. Still, launching a line of toys doesn't compare to launching a line of cars or to a jet airliner or even to a TV show.
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!
