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Upcoming RB Toys/Playsets?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:32 am
by punyichigo
I really wish they would give us hints as to when they are going to reveal more toys, pajamas arent very exciting, especially for someone(me) whose probably a little too old to wear them anyway,lol. i really want to see the other color(wave)kids, i just want to add to my collection. This wait is killer! Does anyone know if the 4¨ rainbow is actually going into production or it was canned like the 15¨ design?

Upcoming RB Toys/Playsets?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:51 pm
by Tom-sprite
I agree punyichigo !
I also would like to see the new colour wave kids and I can t wait to see the sprites and I so pray that they are made with cozy fur ! :)

Upcoming RB Toys/Playsets?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:47 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
SunSpire wrote:
Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote: ???

What kind of nonsense are you talking, SunSpire?

Tom quoted someone yet didn't put a comment. That's why i responded as I did.

At the time that I posted that, and as I am posting this right now (OK, it may show up on Page 5 when I hit Submit), both Tom's comment and my response were on Page 4 of 4 pages. In other words, there was NOT a next page for Tom to post a reply on at the time you made your rather rude
remark to me. Given that, I think that YOU are the one that should not be commenting on everything you see unless you have a valid reason.
Ah, we seem to keep bumping into each other, huh? :)

First of all, I just happen to be the SITE ADMIN for this message board and it's my responsibility to keep the community a little bit in shape, however recently some people seem to be falling out of line by making unfitting comments to posts they had nothing to do with and that do not contribute to a healthy discussion either. The complaints I am receiving about individuals lately are at a peak level, so you'd think I'm not just standing around doing nothing about it!!

If you think that I was being rude I suggest you look in a mirror. Posting SEVEN threads within less than half an hour that could easily have been covered in a SINGLE ONE is not exactly nice, you know!


I know that you're a site admin and I really don't care one way or the other.

As far as the original comment I made about Tom, shown here, "@ Tom...

It looks like you forgot to type whatever comment you wanted to make."

it was just a reminder for Tom to post whatever he had in mind when he made his quote. One doesn't normally quote someone without giving a response to what the original wrote, do they? Perhaps Tom's phone rang or he was otherwise distracted and never got around to saying whatever it was that he had in mind when he hit the quote button. I had no malice in mind when I reminded Tom to finish his post as I wanted to see what he had to say. There was no rudeness in my original remark and if Tom took it differently and complained to you, that's too bad.

And isn't commenting on what other people have said one of the main purposes of a discussion board? Saying that certain threads are none of my business on a PUBLIC discussion board is pretty over the top. And all this nonsense that you're talking makes me really wonder just exactly how it happened that you of all people got chosen to be an admin on here to start with.

For you information, I posted SEVEN threads so that people could respond to them separately and the responses wouldn't get all mixed up. Now, where is it written that posting SEVEN RELATED THREADS WITHIN HALF AN HOUR IS RUDE??????? I think that you're rather much too full of yourself and your exalted position.

Upcoming RB Toys/Playsets?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:10 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:
SunSpire wrote:
Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote: ???

What kind of nonsense are you talking, SunSpire?

Tom quoted someone yet didn't put a comment. That's why i responded as I did.

At the time that I posted that, and as I am posting this right now (OK, it may show up on Page 5 when I hit Submit), both Tom's comment and my response were on Page 4 of 4 pages. In other words, there was NOT a next page for Tom to post a reply on at the time you made your rather rude
remark to me. Given that, I think that YOU are the one that should not be commenting on everything you see unless you have a valid reason.
Ah, we seem to keep bumping into each other, huh? :)

First of all, I just happen to be the SITE ADMIN for this message board and it's my responsibility to keep the community a little bit in shape, however recently some people seem to be falling out of line by making unfitting comments to posts they had nothing to do with and that do not contribute to a healthy discussion either. The complaints I am receiving about individuals lately are at a peak level, so you'd think I'm not just standing around doing nothing about it!!

If you think that I was being rude I suggest you look in a mirror. Posting SEVEN threads within less than half an hour that could easily have been covered in a SINGLE ONE is not exactly nice, you know!


I know that you're a site admin and I really don't care one way or the other.

As far as the original comment I made about Tom, shown here, "@ Tom...

It looks like you forgot to type whatever comment you wanted to make."

it was just a reminder for Tom to post whatever he had in mind when he made his quote. One doesn't normally quote someone without giving a response to what the original wrote, do they? Perhaps Tom's phone rang or he was otherwise distracted and never got around to saying whatever it was that he had in mind when he hit the quote button. I had no malice in mind when I reminded Tom to finish his post as I wanted to see what he had to say. There was no rudeness in my original remark and if Tom took it differently and complained to you, that's too bad.

And isn't commenting on what other people have said one of the main purposes of a discussion board? Saying that certain threads are none of my business on a PUBLIC discussion board is pretty over the top. And all this nonsense that you're talking makes me really wonder just exactly how it happened that you of all people got chosen to be an admin on here to start with.

For you information, I posted SEVEN threads so that people could respond to them separately and the responses wouldn't get all mixed up. Now, where is it written that posting SEVEN RELATED THREADS WITHIN HALF AN HOUR IS RUDE??????? I think that you're rather much too full of yourself and your exalted position.

@ SunSpire...

Now that I've been over to Rainbow Brite Discussions and saw that you merged my Daring Pairings into one long post. You really need to put them back the way they were. I've told you why I set them up the way I did and that there was a valid reason for it. Go fix your mistake.

Upcoming RB Toys/Playsets?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:36 pm
by Chibi Rachy
It's kind of Sunny's board you know...that's why he's a site admin. He tried to tell you that Tom quoted a post and did not post his comment with it and somehow his comment to that quote got posted in a separate thread got put into a separate post. It just so happened that it occurred when the page had reached it's maximum post value so the quote without comment is on page 3, and the actual comment to it is on page 4.

Seven threads in a half hour is considered spamming a forum, no matter if it's here or elsewhere. If you tried it on another forum, the post merge would also occur. Other members supported his post merge so he wasn't doing it out of spite. It was a similar topic, very similar to saying one cannot post a separate chapter thread for a story in the fanfic forum. I can say the same thing, that it's for commenting so nothing gets mixed up, but it's still spamming and pushing the other topics down the page. It's just bad forum etiquette.

Upcoming RB Toys/Playsets?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:26 pm
by SunSpire
Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:
Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:Go fix your mistake.
tom-sprite did not complain to me about you at all.

I've had enough of your arrogant talking, I'm not paying lots of money every year for this site so people like you can troll about, if you don't like how things work here then I suggest you go somewhere else. I'm sorry you feel that I'm full of myself and over the top but it's a fact of life that one cannot please everyone so I'll accept and move on.

You're free to stay but a change of attitude would be appropriate.
