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Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:32 am
by Wolf Ranger
Tom-sprite wrote:@ Wolf Ranger :

The reason why people are whining with passion here is because here is the place where there is a chance to find people who have sympathy for this form of whining ! ;-)
Do you know what I mean ?

@_@ No...

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:35 am
by Tom-sprite
@ Wolf Ranger :

Well ... that s O.K. !

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:45 am
by Patreek
Can you post the address you mailed your letter to? I'd like to write one as well and encourage others to. Its still early enough that they may alter certain plans that they are still able to if they hear a strong response... mailing a letter is always more affectual than posting online... they tend to take it more seriously because you cared enough to go to the trouble.

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:49 am
by Chibi Rachy
Patreek wrote:Can you post the address you mailed your letter to? I'd like to write one as well and encourage others to. Its still early enough that they may alter certain plans that they are still able to if they hear a strong response... mailing a letter is always more affectual than posting online... they tend to take it more seriously because you cared enough to go to the trouble.
Out of curiosity, what plans are you hoping they'll alter?

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:51 am
by Wolf Ranger
Chibi Rachy wrote:
Patreek wrote:Can you post the address you mailed your letter to? I'd like to write one as well and encourage others to. Its still early enough that they may alter certain plans that they are still able to if they hear a strong response... mailing a letter is always more affectual than posting online... they tend to take it more seriously because you cared enough to go to the trouble.

Out of curiosity, what plans are you hoping they'll alter?

He's hoping that they alter his brain cells so that he'll like the dolls..

KIDDING..nah he just wants to to alter their release schedule. Dude I sersiouly doubt that it will happen.

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:29 am
by Patreek
FOr me personally what I want to the be aware of is how cheap these dolls look to people. Truth, I don't really like the redesigns, but i accepted them and that this is what we are getting... but when I saw the boots and cuffs, and the fact that the belt isn't removable... and just... the belt in general its all just very disappointing from a toy standpoint. People are always after Rainbows belt... as a kid 90% of my "stories" involved someone taking her belt and her getting it back, it makes sense to have a removeable belt. I'd rather have That than removeable cuffs and boots esspecially if they are going to look like they do.

REgardless, I don't want people to write in in hopes that you all agree with me and express my opinion but i want to express your own even if it conflicts with mine in the hopes of improving the line.

If they know for example that lots of people are really unhappy that moonglows design was SOOO drastically changed maybe they won't recreate the color wave kids or whatever too and will not be so drastic with them. (i'm not saying that people don't like that change, I'm just using it as an example)

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:10 am
by Starvoyager
Patreek wrote:FOr me personally what I want to the be aware of is how cheap these dolls look to people. Truth, I don't really like the redesigns, but i accepted them and that this is what we are getting... but when I saw the boots and cuffs, and the fact that the belt isn't removable... and just... the belt in general its all just very disappointing from a toy standpoint. People are always after Rainbows belt... as a kid 90% of my "stories" involved someone taking her belt and her getting it back, it makes sense to have a removeable belt. I'd rather have That than removeable cuffs and boots esspecially if they are going to look like they do.
And while on that subject, why are those pieces removable at all? Do they even plan for these to be dressup dolls? It certainly doesn't seem that way. These kinds of characters generally just don't make much sense as dressup. It's been tried before and it essentially went nowhere.
Chibi Rachy wrote:
Rainbow Brite wrote:What we have to remember is we are not the target audience. It's for girls that are younger, not the fanbase. They didn't do this only for the fans. They brought it back to target a new generation. Old Rainbow would not survive if they remastered the series. Perhaps even the designs would not work so well. You do get an older cartoon feel when watching it. At least, I do. Sure, the new designs feel lacking in places, and I don't get how they'll make the continuity work, but hey, maybe they won't. If it is younger kids we are targeting, how many are gonna pop on youtube to watch old Rainbow Brite eps? You'll get some, but not a majority.
I thought the idea was going after older girls than what the original RB did? That was what I thought the PR said. Either way, asking for oldschool RB doesn't mean remastering the series. It means creating new content in the same style. But even that isn't completely necessary.

As many have said, for example, the revised version of SSB. Many are appalled by it, but even those who are can agree that it still looks cute. Far less can say that about the new RB. She's styled like a makeup advocate, not a superhero.

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:13 am
by TheWendybird
Are they making these fashion dolls or something because we can't figure out why the heck they'd even make the boots and cuffs removable. The boots being split on the back is one of the....i'm sorry but one of the dumbest looking things i've seen. I'll be honest. I was okay with the general look of them...disappointed but was still wanting them...they hit me as a little less ok now simply for the weird design they have done...meaning cuffs that barely cover even half the circumference of the arm and the split boots in the back..that one had to be the stupidest looking one...I can just picture one of them saying to another "Do you have cold feet?" "No i'm not scared at all" "no i mean do you REALLY have cold feet cause mine are freezing!":P

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:20 am
by Starvoyager
Murky: Alright Lurky, now listen to me carefully. The Boot-up sequence for the color console is tied into the armored coils. Take this knife, sneak in there, remove the shielding, and cut the coils. The console won't be able to boot up, the kids won't be able to produce color, and the world will be dark and gloomy forever!! Hyeah hyeah hyeah hahahahahahahah!!!!

Lurky: Okay, Murky!!!

*1 hour later*

Murky: Did you do it?

Lurky: Of course I did, Murky! I did exactly as you told me!!

Murky: Then why do I see colors shooting out of the castle?!

Lurky: But Murky, I did what you said...

Murky: WHAT... did you do?

Lurky: I cut the boots and the arm coils.

Murky: Eeeeeuuugh!! >_<

Re: Concerned Fan of Rainbow Brite‏

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:22 am
by TheWendybird
Starvoyager wrote:Murky: Alright Lurky, now listen to me carefully. The Boot-up sequence for the color console is tied into the armored coils. Take this knife, sneak in there, remove the shielding, and cut the coils. The console won't be able to boot up, the kids won't be able to produce color, and the world will be dark and gloomy forever!! Hyeah hyeah hyeah hahahahahahahah!!!!

Lurky: Okay, Murky!!!

*1 hour later*

Murky: Did you do it?

Lurky: Of course I did, Murky! I did exactly as you told me!!

Murky: Then why do I see colors shooting out of the castle?!

Lurky: But Murky, I did what you said...

Murky: WHAT... did you do?

Lurky: I cut the boots and the arm coils.

Murky: Eeeeeuuugh!! >_<
AHA so that's how it happened!!! :P