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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:35 am
by Tennyo
I don't know if you can go so far as saying that both opinions are okay since it is so obviously causing some people to be so distressed.

But different takes on something like this are no big deal, really. There are also sexy Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bear costumes. There are sexy Alice in Wonderland costumes. It's just people having fun and incorporating a fond memory with their modern selves. Like I said this isn't RB, it isn't being marketed as the canon, and obviously these costumes are NOT official sanctioned merchandise. The first costume says Starburst Doll. The second costume could get into trouble for actually saying Rainbow Brite.

But really, there is nothing bad coming out of this at all. It isn't changing the Rainbow that you used to remember. If you go watch all your favorite episodes they will be exactly as you remember them, and if you go play with your dolls they aren't going to magically look different.

So next year when I go as a sexy RB (because I plan to since this year I got roped into being a somewhat-sexy female Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland last minute), I'll make sure to just not show you guys, or at least put a warning on the thread, since some of you just don't seem to be able to handle it.

Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:11 am
by Chibi Rachy
Tennyo wrote:I don't know if you can go so far as saying that both opinions are okay since it is so obviously causing some people to be so distressed.

But different takes on something like this are no big deal, really. There are also sexy Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bear costumes. There are sexy Alice in Wonderland costumes. It's just people having fun and incorporating a fond memory with their modern selves. Like I said this isn't RB, it isn't being marketed as the canon, and obviously these costumes are NOT official sanctioned merchandise. The first costume says Starburst Doll. The second costume could get into trouble for actually saying Rainbow Brite.

But really, there is nothing bad coming out of this at all. It isn't changing the Rainbow that you used to remember. If you go watch all your favorite episodes they will be exactly as you remember them, and if you go play with your dolls they aren't going to magically look different.

So next year when I go as a sexy RB (because I plan to since this year I got roped into being a somewhat-sexy female Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland last minute), I'll make sure to just not show you guys, or at least put a warning on the thread, since some of you just don't seem to be able to handle it.
I'd certainly agree with you. The costumes are done to look similar, but not marketed as official. Some people choose to be the characters for whatever reason. There's always custom comissions :)

Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:52 am
by Tom-sprite
@ Tennyo :

There is nothing anybody could change about people having different opinions and people naturally want to represent their beliefs...
so why should it be wrong to say that both opinions about this issue are O.K./legitimate ...

A "warning" at the beginning of a thread which include such content is at least a good idea so nobody has to feel distressed ! :-D

Never mind ! ;-)

Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:37 am
by Tennyo
I guess I came off sounding harsher than I meant to, but my point was that people seem to be really distressed by this. It's as if someone they loved just slapped them in the face. :/

Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:51 am
by Tom-sprite
@ Tennyo :

I understand what you mean ... Image

I wished some people woul not take this so personal but for those highly sensitive people
we could really include a little warning at the beginning of a thread if needed ...

Rainbow-brite fans are tolerant and considerate , right ? :-D

Let s hold together !!! Image

Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:09 am
by Tennyo
I think the forum title should have been enough warning. When someone says, "sexy" costume, expect a sexy costume. :)

Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:41 am
by Tom-sprite
@ Tennyo :

You are somehow right ... ;-)

Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:32 pm
by KittyBrite
That is just wrong on so many levels!


Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:23 pm
by Tennyo
If it is really that wrong then I don't want to be right. XD

Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:13 pm
by Ppufi
Disgusting. That's underwear, not something you'd ever wear in public.