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Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:02 am
by TheWendybird
I thought She-Ra was kinda cool haha I use to pretend to be her and my cousin Ross would be He-Man..but then there were times he and my triplet cousins would be with me and it would be the Ninja Turtles and I'd always have to be April..which was a bummer cause April was pretty pathetic...

Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:25 pm
by RainbowArmyGuy
I agree Cartoons today are crap. They don't teach the morals, and values we all learned. I personally miss the witty banter between heros. The condemnation of the world by the villan (Megatron) and the uplifting reprisal by the Hero (Optimus Prime for example). the clear but not so clear message. When i watched them I didn't really care about the message, but as i look back i see all my cartoons taught me something i do without thinking. ie manners etc. Which is why i loved the new Transformers movie. It was the first movie to bring back the edge of your seat, eyes glued to the screen, will our hero make it, feeling to me. (It took everything i had to hold back my shout of "Get'em Optimus). totally off subject but i just had to say it.

Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:43 pm
by Dialga-Brite
I agree Cartoons today are crap. They don't teach the morals, and values we all learned.
Not to argue but I still don't think that's totally the case. At least not with everything today. I definitely think spongebob and a lot of that stuff sucks and has no morals. But there's other stuff, that DOES have morals. Like Wow Wow Wubbzy for instance, where the message in one of the episodes recently was to "be yourself". I resonated with that big time. Does anyone even know what wow wow wubbzy even is? It's a cute show on nick jr and noggin for those that don't know.

Most of the shows for older kids are the ones like spongebob, but most of the ones for littler kids teach good morals.

And sorry if I'm making the same point over and over again. :)

Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:23 pm
by RainbowArmyGuy
I'm not saying all cartoons are junk but for the most part they are to me. Even Nick JR, their shows now just don't have the same appeal, David the Gnome, Eurika's Castle, and Maya the Bee had for me when I watched Nick Jr. And don't get me started on Spongebob. Just voicing and opinion.

Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:32 pm
by Dialga-Brite
ok, that's fine.

I just want to point out something about the new transformers movie though, as I saw part of it and it made me uncomfortable because it didn't appear to me to teach good morals, (but I respect you probably saw it differently). The part I saw that bothered me, was when the teenage boy (don't know his name) conned a teacher into giving him an A that he didn't deserve, because if he got an A he'd get a new car. That wasn't good morals to me, because a good teacher would've said "I'm sorry buddy, but no A, no new car!". He also had suggestive pictures on his wall and seemed to think of girls as objects.

If I'm mistaken about some of the parts of the movie that I saw, please correct me as the movie was hard for me to understand. I did not see the whole thing, and I left before Optimus even arrived on earth.

I hope you aren't taking this post as something mean, because that's not how it's meant. I'm just worried that it might've sounded that way.


Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:45 pm
by RainbowArmyGuy
I don't take any of it personally

And to enlighten you on the new Transformers Movie. At the Start of the film he's your average teenager (Heck i've even begged for a better grade and it was more like begging and it was for comedic relief and to progress the story) who's famly motto dating back to his great grandfather was "No sacrifice, no victory." He never really under stood it until the end of the movie when his love intrest who comes from a somewhat broken home asks him "What have you ever had to sacrifice" and when he sees the Autobots go out of their way to protect Earth, he finally gets it and is able to help defeat Megatron. It is an awsome movie and I totally recomend you give it another shot but this time try to stick it out to the end. it really brought back memories of watching it from my childhood.

Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:47 pm
by Dialga-Brite
ok, I see. thanks! :)

Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:33 am
by RainbowBrite1983
i agree with you guys on this. Cartoons are not what they used to be at all. I used to watch cartoons all the time even some new ones on nick like danny phantom when that was on, and yeah i admit i watched Fairlyodd Parents and Spongebob. Not so much anymore though. I would also watch Kim Possibale on disney which was pretty good.
back when i was little i watched all kinds of cartoons like tiny toons, freakazoid, She-Ra, rainbow brite, jem, denver the last dinosour, and just about any cartoon that was on at the time. those were good shows and they has story lines and they were funny, had morals, and made sence. now nothing makes sence anymore.
I miss when cartoons were good and has good messages in them. Today it is all about the fart jokes, crude humor, violence, and sex appeal. sex appeal is even put in toys mainly those slutty bratz dolls and yeah in some way Barbie has become a bit too sexy for girls but at least she's still considerd a classic doll and is way more respected in the world.
Kids like what they like and the media knows how to market to kids. they get their attention just but creating a silly looking cartoon charcter and then taking that idea and running with it and putting it on tv and turning it in to a over night sensation. Disney is prob. the best example bc look at what they have done to kids today. with the crap that market to kids its crazy how kids buy in to it and make it popular and once its popular it never seems to go away.
I wish kids could be exposed to what we grew up with and bring back what we all loved as kids espeacialy Rainbow who its one of the best fictional role models out there in my opinon. Yeah they are trying to bring her back and i hope it works like it did with care bears, my little pony, and strawberry shortcake. i think girls today need role models like them to make re-think what they are being taught today.

Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:10 pm
by Tilas
Honestly, when I used to babysit kids, I didn't let them watch a lot of todays cartoons. I'd show them older series I grew up with, and a lotta kids actually liked them BETTER. I love DVD boxed sets so much, because you can go back and watch the actually GOOD cartoons. I'm such a cartoon junkie, I want to have most of the old series like Duck Tales n stuff on DVD.

Re: Childhood Innocence

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:51 pm
by Starvoyager
The problem probably isn't about what kids would rather watch... it's about what's more marketable.

"Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the REAL money from the movie is made."

- Spaceballs

So while these new cartoons aren't as engaging, it really doesn't matter as long as it separates kids from their allowance money. (Pokemon, anyone?) The money made directly from a show is so miniscule compared to merchandise, that if they can make a cheaper show, without a decrease in merchandise sales, then the money saved is well worth it to them.