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Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:23 pm
by FanChan
Precisely. That's one reason everyone tends to look the same. I took a mail-in art instruction program that basically got you to draw the same way everyone else in the program would draw. So I chose not to learn much from that >.< One reason I never went to college for writing, either; too afraid of writing like my profressors and not like myself. So, alas. I can't get a job in advertising or illustrating without either knowing someone - which I don't - or getting a degree - which I won't.

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:47 pm
by TheWendybird
FanChan wrote:Precisely. That's one reason everyone tends to look the same. I took a mail-in art instruction program that basically got you to draw the same way everyone else in the program would draw. So I chose not to learn much from that >.< One reason I never went to college for writing, either; too afraid of writing like my profressors and not like myself. So, alas. I can't get a job in advertising or illustrating without either knowing someone - which I don't - or getting a degree - which I won't.

May I just say...AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! I feel the same way about drawing and writing too. My mom kept suggesting if I wanted to do one of those to go back to school or take a course...and I really really don't wanna!

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:53 pm
by FanChan
xD All I have to say about schooling for writing or art is that it's easy to do on your own. If you want to be a better artist, study other pieces of art. Read up on how to do different techniques or watch videos. There is a lot you can learn from other people, but find your own curriculum, don't spend thousands of dollars to take someone else's. And if you want to be a better writer, read. And don't stop reading. More importantly, read books from a lot of different authors, learn how various people progress a story - the danger with reading just one person is that you'll start to write just like that person.

I've learned just about all I know purely from observing or reading, and the more I do just that, the more I learn.

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:58 pm
by TheWendybird
FanChan wrote:xD All I have to say about schooling for writing or art is that it's easy to do on your own. If you want to be a better artist, study other pieces of art. Read up on how to do different techniques or watch videos. There is a lot you can learn from other people, but find your own curriculum, don't spend thousands of dollars to take someone else's. And if you want to be a better writer, read. And don't stop reading. More importantly, read books from a lot of different authors, learn how various people progress a story - the danger with reading just one person is that you'll start to write just like that person.

I've learned just about all I know purely from observing or reading, and the more I do just that, the more I learn.

And another AMEN! LOL I learned to draw watching cartoons when I was little...especially Disney. Everyone use to think I was going to become a Disney animator when I "grew up". I like to draw but the idea of doing animation drives me batty...drawing the same picture only slightly different over and over lol And writing...same thing..agree fully...I read a lot when I was younger and the past couple years I think I'm getting into it more again. I mean I still read but not a whole lot of novels. Reading a novel called "Wings" now about a girl who is a faerie...quite nice so far haha Anyhow...I use to write a lot in high school and kinda got distracted for a few years...and sometime last year got back into it again. I missed it a lot. But I won't be going to school for it lol

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:41 pm
by FanChan
Animation is actually a pretty interesting occupation, once you do some research on it. The various scenes in a movie are usually divided up among various Key Animators, usually according to what that person is good at drawing (close-ups, action scenes, environment shots, etc). Those animators then draw the important moments in the scene. For a scene that requires, say, three hundred frames (that's about ten seconds, assuming we're talking thirty frames per second, which I think is the usual speed...I could be wrong about that @_@) the Key Animator would likely only do maybe thirty of them. And that's only the outlining of the frame, which is typically very basic or sketchy, to be passed on to someone who'll outline it, and get passed on again to be painted. Those key animations are then given to in-between artists (a lot of anime studios send them to China) who then fill in the rest of the frames, to make it flow.

The hardest part about being an animator is that you have to have a very adaptable style. You have to be able to draw just like the original artist. Though luckily most studios have a supervisor that will study each key animation, and either make changes themselves or tell the animator what to change to keep the style continuous. It's a somewhat ungratifying job if you're out to make a name for yourself. You make money, sure (probably not as much as one would like), but the fame of the movie goes straight to either Disney or the head artist responsible for the style.

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:54 pm
by TheWendybird
Yeah I know what your saying...truth be told I think drawing and painting are more personal for me than an occupational type thing i'd like to do...I tend to only like to draw and paint what I want and not what someone else wants lol And with write what you want anyhow if you write a novel or something so I don't really have to worry about that..just whether or not a publisher would choose to pick it up hehe

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:57 pm
by FanChan
Gotcha ^^ I've found I really enjoy doing commissioned work. I still like to do what I want, but seeing the look on someone's face when I've brought an idea of theirs to life when they couldn't; it's really satisfying.

And yes, hopefully a publisher will be there to pick it up ^^; I've got that same fear myself. I only decided to start writing when I realized that everyone I talked to about my novels really fell in love with them.

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:04 am
by TheWendybird
My first love was drawing and painting...then I got into theatre (mostly musicals) and writing always seemed to be on the back burner with me...I had a teacher in high school who asked me if I'd ever considered becoming a writer but at that point i had huge dreams of broadway...well I guess things have kinda come full circle and while I still love the first two things..writing is my main focus. Broadway dreams kinda took over for about 13 years or so LOL So even though I was good at writing I put all my energy into one thing...something I don't think I'll ever do again. I might concentrate more in one area but not ignore everything else completely like I practically did then. Luckily writing was a side hobby so I was still able to get feedback while doing other stuff.

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:50 am
by Brownie
Each and every time I look at the 'new, updated design' I shudder and want to cringe. I'm sorry, but I don't care how well they do the design/drawing/whatever, it'll never be Rainbow Brite to me if they 'grow her up'.

Something's just lost if they do that. Something ephemeral and intangable yet nonethless important and integral to whom she is. I just can't see the 'mythos' working anywhere near the same, the 'world' being anything nearly as magical and wonderful, with a Rainbow Brite that looks like what I've been seeing.

Have the geniuses there missed something critical? Seems so to me. Maybe someone should gently point them in the direction of Dora, and kindly point out that the age of a character isn't nearly as important as the allure and appeal. (Although, regretably, those responsible for Dora now seem to see a need to have her grow up a tad, too. And the ones really outraged about that so far seem to be the Moms).

Oh well. It seems in their 'infinite wisdom' ::cough::cough:: something precious and wonderful is about to be 'new-and'improved' and, in their feeble, misguided efforts, spoiled and ruined.

Re: Ranting over the new Rainbow

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:35 am
by Rainbowbrite84
Amen to everything you said Starvoyager! Totally agree with everything!!