Wicked cool Rainbow Brite tattoo!!

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Wicked cool Rainbow Brite tattoo!!

Post by Rainbowbrite84 »

Thats such a great tattoo! I want a RB tattoo so bad. I want 2 more tattoos; my daughter's name and Rainbow Brite. I don't regret any of the 3 that I have right now. I honestly think the people that end up regretting a tattoo, are the ones that get too excited and just get one without thinking about it first.

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Wicked cool Rainbow Brite tattoo!!

Post by IndigoJoy »

I would love to get tattoos but I can't even commit to what I want for dinner. I have plenty of ideas about designs; rather, it's where to put them that I fret over. I want them where I can see them, so not on my back... I don't want art that I can't enjoy without a mirror! At the same time I want them to be easily coverable (because yes, there are still some jobs that make you hide them), but I don't like wearing long sleeves. (Unless it's a sweater that I put on over a short-sleeved shirt.) Then I worry about them being deformed after years of body changes, and I worry because I've heard they can interfere with MRIs or other body scans. And I will admit, the pain aspect does worry me a teensy bit. And what if my artist isn't good enough? I don't want to have to waste even more money getting a bad tattoo fixed!
Upon the Rainbow, my rainbow blog.

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Wicked cool Rainbow Brite tattoo!!

Post by Wardah »

What's really awesome is that during the 80's all those characters (well maybe the Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake) would not be seen in the same image because all the different companies involved. Rainbow Brite was by Hallmark and Mattel, Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake were by American Greetings and Kenner, and My Little Pony was by Hasbro. Hasbro didn't buy Kenner until the 90s.
