How Do You Feel About The New Rainbow Brite?

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Re: How Do You Feel About The New Rainbow Brite?

Post by Rainbowbrite84 »

I honestly can't wait for the news to come out. I know that this new RB isn't perfect but she's still cute. And she looks more like the original than the 1996 version. I have my fingers crossed that the new dolls look just as good as the images we've been seeing.

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Re: How Do You Feel About The New Rainbow Brite?

Post by Tennyo »

I forgot to add that I like how Starlite's bangs are blue like they are in Star Stealer. I've always liked that best then the red bangs he always had in the episodes of the show. ^_^

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Re: How Do You Feel About The New Rainbow Brite?

Post by RainbowBrite1983 »

I also Im not very happy with the new version. I know its only in the test stages where they are just showing off what they have so far before they finallu finished with the dolls and release them. But honesly i just cant even think of Rainbow being what she was created to be in the 80's. maybe its just me wanting to live in the past and refusing to let Rainbow look any different but when we all look at all the past 80's charcters that have been re-launched and ruined like StrawBerry Shortcake, My Little Pony, and Care Bears it just seems like we are kinda seeing a repeat of those. I know times have changed and the techonolgy has gotten more advanced which is fine and its great they are taking advantage of that but there are limits and lines being crossed and they seemed to hace crossed the line some by not only aging Rainbow but making her look and act different. i dont like the whole transformation thing at all. I just dont like seeing something i grew up with being changed just to please todays generation when they should also consider the fans that grew up on Rainbow Brite and make them happy also.

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Re: How Do You Feel About The New Rainbow Brite?

Post by Tennyo »

The new design isn't awful and it is understandable. There are a couple of things I wish they hadn't changed but it won't kill me and I'll accept them. Things need to be revamped in order to remain successful.

However this revamp is not without it's flaws. Acting was terrible, animation was terrible. They aren't exactly fitting into the Bratz/Barbie/Disney Channel niche with this subject matter. I hope they do better. I hope this vid was just a test, or an intro and that they'll try harder later.

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Re: How Do You Feel About The New Rainbow Brite?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

RainbowBrite1983 wrote:I also Im not very happy with the new version. I know its only in the test stages where they are just showing off what they have so far before they finallu finished with the dolls and release them. But honesly i just cant even think of Rainbow being what she was created to be in the 80's. maybe its just me wanting to live in the past and refusing to let Rainbow look any different but when we all look at all the past 80's charcters that have been re-launched and ruined like StrawBerry Shortcake, My Little Pony, and Care Bears it just seems like we are kinda seeing a repeat of those. I know times have changed and the techonolgy has gotten more advanced which is fine and its great they are taking advantage of that but there are limits and lines being crossed and they seemed to hace crossed the line some by not only aging Rainbow but making her look and act different. i dont like the whole transformation thing at all. I just dont like seeing something i grew up with being changed just to please todays generation when they should also consider the fans that grew up on Rainbow Brite and make them happy also.
I think it's going a bit too far to say that they ruined MLP, Care Bears, and SSC. There are older fans who enjoy the reincarnations. True, they may have changed quite a bit. I don't know since they aren't my fandoms. The fact is, Rainbow has to be revamped to reach out to the newer generation. They are the ones to be buying the merchandise, toys, and media that comes out. Sure, adults buy it too, but not on the scale that the kids will. It had to reach a new fanbase to pull in new fans. They did consider the fans with the relaunch, and there are vintage shirts coming out in addition to the new RB version. Yes, it's hard to see Rainbow done differently, but the old Rainbow still exists too. I think that the new line will capture the spirit of RB, even if we see so much changed. As long as the animation and VA's are changed, I'm even happier. If you learn to think of the new Rainbow as an AU thing, an alternate universe, then it's a little easier to accept and keep separate. The original Rainbow lives on and her new counterpart will hopefully succeed in drawing in a new fanbase that will also turn to the old cartoon as well.
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