Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

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Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by *C9* »

I was at work todayand my friend at work had a kids magazine (she brorrowed it from her son) I looked and saw Jem and the Holagrams. I was like HEY! So she flipped back
I went on to say how Hannah Montana was like a modern rip of Jem minus the magic XD. And I spotted RB! It was a list of top ten 80's cartoons that should be made into movies

I asked to borrow it and give a scan XD I heard they are making a He-Man movie, that would be epic 0_0


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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by FanChan »

Interesting how they refer to her as an orphan O.o; Do people, like, not even research things before they write about them?

I'd still really love to see a live-action RB flick, only with kids playing the parts, not adults with giant heads -.-;;
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.

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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by pinkpuff »

She's not an orphan? Who are her parents?

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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by Chibi Rachy »

pinkpuff wrote:She's not an orphan? Who are her parents?
FanChan wrote:Interesting how they refer to her as an orphan O.o; Do people, like, not even research things before they write about them?
Well it was never explicitly stated one way or the other whether she did have parents, especially not in the cartoon. So she could have been an orphan child, or she may not have been. I have to admit, an orphan child would fit the part as well. With such a small description in this magazine though, it seems to put the emphasis on the orphan bit.

Admittedly, I never watched too many of these cartoons growing up. I remember watching a little bit of He-man, and a lot of Chip & Dale and Ducktales. Captain N and the Gamemaster would be interesting to see as a movie. I've watched a lot of that on youtube. All of its references refer to the original NES games and characters, so I would be fit to bet that they update it in some way.
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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by RainbowArmyGuy »

Oh I agree Captain N is at the top of my list of 80's cartoons to turn live action. Voltron is up there too. I wouldn't mind seeing a live action Galaxy High TV series either. Oh or G-force (or Gatchaman for us purists) Or what about M.A.S.K. I just love that camero that turns into the jet.
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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by Major Ursa »

With the second Transformers and G.I. Joe being released for the summer blockbuster period, it would be nice to see many of the 80 cartoons become movies. I would think that Captain N would have to be updated for the current sysytemsthat Nintendo has out. As for Gummi Bears, Ducktales, and Rescue Rangers, unless it id done up like a cartoon, they may have to use CGI for the characters. As for Rainbow Brite, I don't think she's an orphan. We never got any more details except from our own immaginations.
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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by *C9* »

I think she is considering she never mentions them or misses them or again a giant plot hole left by hallmark. It is a minor trivial thing compared to that other book called the spear of light.

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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by TheWendybird »

I was SO obsessed with Jem...I was always disappointed that there wasn't a movie of that one...would have been a classic today i'm sure...with awesome 80's tunes....*sighs*
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Very cool article! Thanks for sharing :) What magazine was it in?
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Re: Rainbow Brite and 80's shows, top 10 wanted to be movies

Post by ~Rainbow~ »

It honestly does seem like she's an orphan, really, if you think about it.

I mean, at the very end of 'The Beginning of Rainbowland', Lady Brite says to Wisp 'You wanted a land that needed you. Now, you are its hope and light and color...'

Thus, considering this statement, it's almost like she had nothing else to lose at 'home' (wherever that is) and wished, more than anything, to be needed by someone.

Plus, when she was first left in the Land of Shadows, she didn't seem to mind being alone.

Another thing: even though she hadn't known Twink that long, he was still her friend, but would she really have been that scared of leaving him behind when his legs began freezing if she had had someone that close to her in the past? It doesn't seem like it to me.

Then, Rainbow, being the brave child she is, would not have been so frightened or begged to go home when she was flailing in the No Return River rapids unless she'd thought it was all her fault she'd lost Twink and Starlite. I believe her devastation over thinking she'd lost the only friends/family substitutes she'd ever had caused her to panic and cry out to Lady Brite as a last resort.

Whenever Rainbow (or Wisp...before and after being given the title) talks to Lady Brite, she has the most wondrous, happy expression on her face and in her eyes (and tone of voice and how she holds herself, besides). To me, it just shows that she's never really had a protective, guardian-like figure in her life, and thus, she trusts the mysterious 'entity', shall we say, implicitly and looks up to/listens to her like any child would to a mother/caretaker.

Throughout the series, she treats the Color Kids, sprites, and all of their other friends like friends, but she also treats them like her children, in a way. Like a fanfiction I read said, the Color Kids run to her when they're scared, go to her for advice and an understanding ear, she protects them against their adversaries, and in turn, they act as children should toward their mother: they obey, care for, worry for, and love her. They exalt her and all she does, much as young children do their mothers. She takes care of them so because she's never had parents and doesn't want 'her' Kids to feel the same occasional aches with which a mother (or father) could have helped (like she sometimes does).

I'm sure I could think of some other tip-offs to probe, but I am quite out of sorts right now from staying up until 3-4 something in the morning the past two days with no sleep.

I still stand by the notion that Rainbow/Wisp is, indeed, an orphan. (As if my reasons above weren't clue enough...) If you'd like to discuss the topic further, reply, PM me, or comment on the thread I'm going to start on this toopic. I;m so intrigued, and I haven't watched an entire for months! lol. I;m somewhat surprised I remembered as much as I did from the first (for me) episode!


As another comment said, she never talks about them or noticably misses them in the show, and
