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rb bodies

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:56 pm
by jazzycreations
I've been making customs for one person, who buys mib dolls & has me make new dress up bodies, i hate to throw things away. like i said they are new out of the box, a few like new, so if anyone is interested in switching thier dolls body for a newer one, let me know.

have some others too, i just have to go look :) just thoguht i'd see if i get a response, but do know i'm in AZ for those out of the US.

red butler has a spot on his cheek & canary has a spot on her ear & cheek, did close ups to show them.

Re: rb bodies

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:50 am
by ranchlamb
So when you say bodies does that mean there is no head?

Re: rb bodies

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:53 pm
by jazzycreations
that's correct, sorry ment to put that in, I will try to take pics soon of the ones i have. I try not to ruin perfectly good dolls, but some people sent me mib dolls to make new bodies for. others are really bead up, but the head is usable.

will repost soon, thankx