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Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:43 am
by Rainbowbrite84
jazzycreations wrote:Blondine- no it's no joke, he wrote me back & said he's destroyed SEVERAL rb dolls & especially tp dolls because they had cut hair or what not & by destroying them he makes less in the world & they are worth more. I'm so angry that he's doing that! How can he call himself a collector? seriously?
Thats horrible! How could anyone do that!?

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:43 am
by Clinozoisite
This seller is ridiculous. $500+ for non-mint, out-of-package Tickled Pink and Sunriser? My guess would be $300 maximum for the set. And that would be with competitive bidding.

The fact that he's willing to incinerate hundreds of dollars worth of vintage toys tells me he doesn't care about the merchandise OR the money. This is just one big power trip for him. *ugh*

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:40 am
by stormberryfairy
I'm just baffled at the idiocy of that man. Baffled and saddened for the dollies.

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:33 pm
by Dialga-Brite
I sent him a message. I hope other people do, too. :)
hi, I think you should read how upset people are at you: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1939
You have received at least one offer to buy them for less if they dont sell, I suggest you accept it rather than burn them. burning tickled pinks to make them worth more is just plain wrong - please stop doing it, okay?
I hope its not any trouble that I showed him this topic. My mom thinks it might not have been a wise move.

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:29 pm
by Clinozoisite
On one hand, I could see it causing him to 'see the light' and lower his price. Either that, or he'll get seriously offended and destroy both dolls just to spite us all.

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:02 pm
by Dialga-Brite
Well, my mom thought it might make him feel validated. Cause if he's trying to upset people and he sees our upset posts he'll feel like he was successful.

I hope it makes him see the light though.

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:31 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
jazzycreations wrote:Blondine- no it's no joke, he wrote me back & said he's destroyed SEVERAL rb dolls & especially tp dolls because they had cut hair or what not & by destroying them he makes less in the world & they are worth more. I'm so angry that he's doing that! How can he call himself a collector? seriously?

I mean besides your dolls, all my customs are dolls that need some tlc & I remake them or fix them up. I hate ruining nice dolls, but at least they are still there, geez. He'd rather burn them so next time he finds them he thinks they are worth 5 times as much!!!

take a look for the listing, maybe if enough of us message him about the listing he will consider relisting them for less.

Diagla- I'll check into my dolls ones I unpack.
That turkey is DEPRAVED!!!

Nobody in their right mind would pay that much for that lot. And he's certainly not in his right mind to ask so much and to destroy them if no one is stupid enough to buy them at his price..

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 9:22 am
by mistic_imp
Seriously I think this guy is nuts!!

I finally was able to see the auction and just can't believe anyone would destroy something they thought was so valuable.. If he thinks he can get 500 for them, why would he destroy them??.. ugg.. i'd rather get some $$ than no $$ for them if i was the seller.. It rally is irritating but i agree that he's probably just saying that to get other collectors riled up.

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 11:06 pm
by Dialga-Brite
here's his short and dumb reply to me:
why ???
I probably won't reply because I have no idea what I should say without sounding angry. And I think the "why" should be quite obvious to him.

Any one see the tp & sunriser on ebay?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:52 pm
by jazzycreations
Well, he has writtne me back as well. very arrogant sounding that they WILL sell. That the last sunriser horse sold for 1200 in worse condition that his. ya right! my sunriser I sold to a friend here sold for about 50, that was this year, so I don't think so & it looked better than that!

He also made a point to tell me two people from out of country want them & will pay that, ya, that's why he lowered the price even more & they have not sold yet.
I don't want the dolls ruined, but I let him know I would tell everyone here about him & I will no longer sell or buy anything from him. I feel sick because he has bought outfits from me more than a few times , just to destroy them!!!! I wish I had known!

Also he thinks that by destroying collectibles he keeps people interested & buying them as he makes them more rare. He has no idea what collecting is about then.

Thankx Diagla for writing him, hopefully no one believes him & pays that ridiculous price! & he thinks twice about ruining them.