custom moonglo

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custom moonglo

Post by jazzycreations »

just wondering if there is a need for them? I know they are few I see, but didn't know if it was worth it to make one. Just thought I'd get some feedback on here.

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Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
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custom moonglo

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

Given the prices of MOOB Moonies, making affordable customs could be worthwhile.

Making 18 inch customs may turn out to be better yet, especially if they come with a special box like the ones I got from crissimoon/Mona in Germany. Ask me if you want more details.
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custom moonglo

Post by jazzycreations »

what does she charge for the boxes?
18'' dolls only go well for me if they are requested it seems. but i wouldn't mind getting a custom box i think :)

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custom moonglo

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

She doesn't charge for the boxes because she's not making them any more. What she did was take an existing box from a Tickled Pink doll to someone who created a brand new replica box. She also told them what should be printed on it and so on. They made the boxes and inserts for her and she added the dolls. My 'MIB' Moonglow has a real doll in one of her boxes. My 'MIB' Stormy is a custom doll that she made plus a replica box.

BTW, she has one of the few real MIB Moonglow dolls in existence. It used to be mine. That means that she knows what the real box looks like.

BTW 2, she lives in Germany. She still has all the dolls she played with as a kid plus a huge collection of MIB stuff including a doll from Brazil.. About three years ago she moved out of her parents' house and in with her boyfriend and doesn't seem to be as passionate about RB as before. We're not really on speaking terms any longer. For all I know, she married and may have a little girl of her own by now.

Here she is...
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custom moonglo

Post by jazzycreations »

Bummer, wish I know someone in the business able to make a replic box. I wish I could afford to collect the MIB dolls, maybe one day, but I have my very special ones from you! My only MIB dolls. I think I'll one day make me a Stormy & box.

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custom moonglo

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

Her boxes were made of thin cardstock and feel flimsy compared to the originals. They look real enough.

I know her personally and Sarah has traded with her many times in the past. I don't see her on ebay any more, at least as far as RB goes. I know that she used to get most or all of her clothes secondhand on there, wear them for a while and then resell them a few months later. Then she would get something else to replace them.

Her parents have two microwave dogs, dogs that would fit in a large microwave oven. One fine afternoon we were having BBQ chicken and the dogs were going crazy to have some but it was out of their reach. I told one of them that I would give him all the chicken on the BBQ if he would sing the Tyger-Wyger song for me. Then I sang it so he could hear it. I told him that I didn't expect him to sing in English and that German would be just fine. He could also sing it in Dog if he liked. I didn't get any reaction from the dog, but Mona bust out laughing so hard that her parents asked if she were all right. She explained it to them in German and they also got a good laugh out of it. The song goes like this...

Tyger-Wyger is a sweet kitty cat, yes yes.

And in French...

Tyger-Wyger est un chat trés douce, oui oui.

My insurance finally paid me for my little vacation in the hospital, They paid me in euros, the money I paid the hospital with. I'll use that to pay my rent for the next three months and that will free up some dollars to pay for the Claudia dolls and whatever else. Today I went to place like Home Depot and got some new shelves for my RB collection. I'm not finished moving everything, but it's a huge improvement so far. You'll get pix a little later.

Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!

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custom moonglo

Post by jazzycreations »

you are too funny with all your songs :)

I can't wait to see the new pictures of your collection. If I ever get my hands on a nice dress up box I will see if I can have a custom made. we will see, I cant afford on right now, but one day I would love one of tickled pink.

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custom moonglo

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

There's an MIB TP on ebay for about $250 or 300, I don't remember.

If you're going to have boxes made, get a bunch of TP and bigger bunches of Moonie and Stormy. You may want to make boxes for the La La Orange proto and the two RB protos that we've seen lately.The box is the same for all, only the printing will be different. It will bring your costs down if you order say 100 of the basic box at once. You'll need to furnish a box for them to use for measurements and design. They'll digitally photograph the box and they can modify the images for the other dolls. Make sure you have them change the catalog numbers to match the dolls and that includes the barcode numbers as well. No need to change the bars themselves, just the last four digits of the number printed under the bars. I also suggest you put a little disclaimer on the bottom of the box saying that it is a replica box and the doll inside was not made by Mattel. For Pickled Tink and Moonie you may want to leave out the part about the doll not being from Mattel and have a sticker that says this to use when you've made a custom box without a doll.

Just remember that you really do need a TP box to use as a baseline for whoever is doing the work. Do not use a standard box as they're different.

I'll soon send you a few photos of the current situation of my collection. Just remember that's it's a project that's not yet finished.

Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!
