LARGE Rainbow Brite Dresses Needed!!!

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Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
Posts: 1305
Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:52 pm
Location: Au pays de l'Arc-En-Ciel

LARGE Rainbow Brite Dresses Needed!!!

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

I need about 8 to 10 dresses from the large (18 in/47 cm) Gen 1 Rainbow Brite doll from the 80's. The irridescent blue fabric must be clean and fit to be reused in another project. No restrictions on the other parts of the dresses. They don't need to have the star decal as that won't be needed.

If have some of these and are in North America, please send Jazzy Creations a PM and a picture or two. If you are in Europe send the PM and pictures to me.

Thank you.

Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!
