Factory set on fire right where I live

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Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by SunSpire »

Just got home from work and when I turned into the road in front of the cul-de-sac where I live there were police roadblocks and fire engines everywhere. The factory building that resides next to the road crossing was and still is burning to the ground, I can see the blaze and thick smoke from my window.

Not sure what happened but I asked some spectators and they rumoured that the owner might have set it on fire himself, for insurance purposes. That's crazy!! Luckily here in the city center, the fire fighters are usually at the scene in an instant. They seem to let the building burn out itself rather than trying to stop it, it's quite a view!!

The freakiest part however is that before I turned into that road, I was thinking to myself "will I get home without seeing blue lights and hearing sirens for once??" Cause there's always stuff happening around here but this was unexpected! LOL

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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by Rainbowbrite84 »

Wow thats crazy. If the owner did set himself on fire on purpose, thats really unfortunate. Its sad to hear people doing things like that.

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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Sign of the times, I suppose. People do crazy things. Though, that must have been quite the sight to come home to!
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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by Tom-sprite »

It s so sad ... bad things happen everywhere these times.
In my neighbouring town for example a teacher was killed the last few days.
Really scary and terrible !
My father is also a teacher and I often feel worried cause pupils nowadays are very aggressive ... :(

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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by SunSpire »

I don't think anyone got hurt in this incident but it's kinda strange to think that whenever I go into town now, that house at the crossing lies in ruins. I'm waiting for BBC News to pick up on this, they probably won't reveal much but maybe there will be some hinting as to what really happened.

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Charles Xavier
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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by Charles Xavier »

Tom-sprite wrote:It s so sad ... bad things happen everywhere these times.
In my neighbouring town for example a teacher was killed the last few days.
Really scary and terrible !
My father is also a teacher and I often feel worried cause pupils nowadays are very aggressive ... :(
Is this a public or private school, if I may ask?

A few weeks back, a teacher at a private high school around where I live got arrested for having an affair with one of her students (13 years old I think he was)...I know this kind of stuff happens a lot of times.

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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by TheWendybird »

Ugh people trying to get insurance and wasting the fire departments time...yeesh. I remember the first time i ever heard of someone claiming insurance for something they did themselves was in "Free Willy" when the owner of the park tried to kill Willy to get the insurance money. I thought it was a dumb thing to do then and a dumb thing still lol Does anyone know if it's common for people to get away with that or do insurance companies know better? I wouldn't think they would be okay with it...
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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ Charles Xavier :

My father works for a public school.
I hope he can work in peace the last few years up to his pension.

Generally I always feel very bad when I hear of outrages or abuse ! :(

@ Wendybird :

I think insurance swindle is quite common and sadly a lot of people get away with it.
@ Sunspire :

I know what you mean.
If I compare it with my situation I see accordances.
I remember a time where I was not so much sensitized for possible danger ...
Times are harsh and when I leave my flat I quite often notice things in town that worry me.

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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

I can honestly tell you that the world I live in is far removed from the world I grew up in. Sometimes this is good but there's been a lot of bad to come out over the years.

I've heard about kids in primary/elementary/grade school selling drugs to their classmates or bringing guns to school and sometimes using them.

Too many people today are only interested in what benefits themselves and sometimes use the political and legal systems to enforce what they want on others.

And recently some people from a church in the USA were stopped from smuggling babies out of Haiti for adoption in the USA after the earthquake. Something's gone horribly wrong somewhere and I'm not even talking about terrorism and the like. I'm talking about individuals and groups. I'm talking about those who spread lies, fear and hatred in the hope of advancing their personal agendas.

On the other hand, there are also some positive things. We've seen that people will help others, even those they don't know half a world away, with no strings attached when disaster strikes. And I can remember racial segregation in the USA while I was growing up. I'm certainly glad that came to an end but I don't understand why it took so long.

I better stop this here so I don't turn this into a political debate as the RB Forum is not the place for stuff like that. If anyone wants me to go into more detail on anything I mentioned here, please send me a PM and we can discuss it that way or by email.
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Re: Factory set on fire right where I live

Post by Starvoyager »

I think most of us here are well aware that humanity is more or less doomed. This has been discussed in a limited capacity before in one form or another.

That's not politics... it's society.
