Page 1 of 1 is now on Patreon!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:24 pm
by Rainbow Brite
So you know how there are at least 100 (probably more) foreign Rainbow Brite stories that were never released in the US? And how we've salivated over them for years, wondering what mysteries they contain? Well our wait could soon be over! I have a new friend who's amazing at linguistics and has offered to help translate them! He never asked for payment, but I know how much work goes into this, and I feel he deserves compensation for his time and energy. And so I started a Patreon account:

While our initial focus is on the foreign stories (both text and audio), if enough fans pitch in, this could turn into even more. Haven't we always wanted instrumental versions of the Paint A Rainbow songs? Or parts of the show's musical score? These are other projects that require funding, but are definitely possible.

I hope you'll become a patron and let me know what else you'd like to see added to the list :)