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Which Strawberry Shortcake 2009 character are you?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:44 am
by WishBear2001
please vote and comment
(the section below is for people who may not know much about 2009s)
Strawberry: sweet, kind, caring, loving, good leader, baker
Orange: runs Orange Mart, the Berry Bitty City "Walmart"
Lemon: fashion designer who makes everyone's clothes
Raspberry: fashion designer with an allergy to roses
Plum: loves dancing
Blueberry: loves books and mysteries so much, she runs "Blueberry Books"
Custard: she can only meow, but her looks scream one word CUTE
Pupcake: sweetest dog around, but he's trouble ready to happen
Mama Hummingbird: Berry Bitty City's "taxi"
Berrykins: cute and good smelling, but trouble bombs waiting to explode