Would anybody be interested

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Re: Would anybody be interested

Post by silverorangetears »

Hey Joey. i know it's been a while since you posted about the china set, but if it's still availible i'd be interested in it!

i believe you're in the UK right?
that might make shipping sorta expensive :( but maybe we could work something out.. just let me know.. either way.. i've been looking for the china set for a while :P

/giggle i had to figure out my account here to post this during school..

and deal with being teased about rainbow brite >.>

<3 let me know

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Re: Would anybody be interested

Post by Dialga-Brite »

/giggle i had to figure out my account here to post this during school..

and deal with being teased about rainbow brite >.>

School bullies? Yuck! I hate bullies. Just don't hesitate to let your school friends know if you like rainbow brite. They're not your friends at all if they would tease you for knowing what you like. A true friend would stick up for you. :)
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Re: Would anybody be interested

Post by ~*moonglobabe*~ »

Awww no Joey, not you SM stuff! :( Know what you mean though, over the years I've steadily been selling my collection on Ebay. It's amazing that when you and me were collecting that just like RB interest was sky high and then it just disappeared :(

What's the board game like? Would love to see a pic.

Thanks x

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Wolf Ranger
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Re: Would anybody be interested

Post by Wolf Ranger »

Selling my SM collection...Never!

The RB China set has my interest..
